Attachment Therapy & Trauma

With Asia In Georgia & Florida

Welcome, I’m Asia!

I am dedicated to helping BIPOC women and girls who are tired of feeling like they have to be “the strong one” in every situation. If you find yourself constantly putting others first, struggling to trust after past hurts, or feeling overwhelmed by the weight of family expectations and cultural norms, I’m here to help you find your way back to yourself. Together, we’ll explore your experiences, build self-awareness, and create empowered choices that align with your values. I provide a compassionate, culturally informed space where you can heal, grow, and reclaim your narrative—because you deserve a life where you feel seen, heard, and valued.

My clients often present with concerns Like:

  • Anger about having to heal from things they didn't cause or do

  • Feeling like they have no space to put themselves first

  • Past experiences of neglect, abuse, or separation from primary caregivers

  • Difficulties trusting others and forming healthy relationships when the people who were supposed to protect them in the past, let them down

  • Feeling guilty for living their lives while their people are back home struggling

  • Parenting while healing your own attachment wounds AND instilling healthy attachment in your children

  • Pressure to be strong and resilient because of stereotypes about Black Women and roles they didn't ask for

  • Family expectations and cultural norms that feel suffocating at times

  • Struggling to love or accept body/appearance

  • Lacking confidence in themselves and experiencing self doubt

  • Sexuality & sexual health

  • Struggles with disordered and/or emotional eating

  • Grief and loss (related to death or otherwise)

Therapy Specialties

Go from Feeling:

  • Like you have to be "the strong one" 

  • Difficulties with taking time for yourself without guilt

  • Having anxiety and frustration about not being able to say “no” or set healthy boundaries with family, friends, or colleagues

  • Over-relying on emotional eating and occasional binge drinking to cope with stress

To Feeling:

  • A deeper self-awareness & control over how past trauma affects current relationships

  • More confident in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

  • Self-acceptance and overcoming self-doubt around body image and self-esteem

  • Less stressed and anxious due to having healthier coping mechanisms

  • Less guilt related to family expectations and cultural pressures

  • Affirmed in your sexuality & sexual health

  • Balanced between your professional ambitions and personal well-being

More about Me

My Core Beliefs

Therapy approaches tailored for African American women/girls should always prioritize cultural understanding, empowerment, authenticity, and healing. Techniques like culturally competent therapy, trauma-informed care, and expressive arts therapy provide safe spaces for growth, curiosity, and resilience. In my experience working with clients, I have observed the most benefits from supportive communities, mindfulness practices, and narrative therapy, empowering them to reclaim their stories and find strength in their identities.

A few MYTHS I would love to dispel would be:

  1. Strong Black Women Don't Need Therapy. As Black women, our strength is undeniable, but it doesn't mean we don't face challenges that can benefit from professional support. Therapy isn't about weakness; it's about empowerment and permission to allow yourself to meet you in totality (flaws and all.) Just like we nurture others, therapy allows us to prioritize our own well-being and resilience.

  2. Therapy Will Make Things Worse. I understand the fear that therapy might bring up painful memories or emotions. However, therapy is a safe space where you're in control. With trauma-informed care, we'll work at your pace, ensuring your comfort and safety every step of the way.

  3. Therapy is no different than talking to a homegirl! As therapists, we're trained in communication techniques that promote deep understanding and insight. We listen actively, asking questions that help you explore your thoughts and feelings in meaningful ways. We also offer reflections and interpretations that shed light on patterns and insights you may not have considered before. I will be the first to say that we all have biases and personal experiences that can influence how we see the world, including therapists. However, in therapy, we're trained to recognize and manage these biases through a process called countertransference awareness. This means that we're constantly reflecting on our own reactions and feelings in the therapy room to ensure they don't interfere with your journey. Friends offer empathy, validation, and shared experiences, which are essential for social connection and emotional support. Therapy complements the support you receive from friends by offering a professional and objective perspective on your life. It's a partnership focused entirely on your needs and goals, guiding you towards greater self-awareness, resilience, and fulfillment.

My Therapy Approaches

My Background

My name is Asia C. Watkins, and my pronouns are She/Her/Hers/Sis/Fam. I'm a California Native and a Village Baby (raised by the community), which has shaped my view of the world and fuels my desire to create space for families of the African Diaspora in conversations about wellness and healing. In the mental health field, I've learned that competing truths often exist on opposite ends of the spectrum, leading to more questions than answers. Understanding this, I approach my work with the belief that therapy is a journey, not a step-by-step guide, and my foundation is to create space with you to normalize your lived experiences, exploring the twists and turns together.

Over the last 10 years, I've gained valuable and diverse experience. I earned a bachelor’s degree in Science in Human Services with a concentration in Mental Health Recovery from California State University Dominguez Hills. This fueled my passion as a Future Clinician, leading me to pursue a Master of Social Work from the University of Georgia (Gooo Dawgs, sic'em!!). Black Women and Girls impacted by Life Transitions, Complex Trauma, Sexual Trauma, and Identity Development have shaped my experiences as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. With certifications in Rapid HIV Testing & HEP C Prevention, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, and Motivational Interviewing, combined with my therapeutic approach centered on Narrative therapy; bibliotherapy; Horticultural Therapy; Internal Family Systems therapy; Somatic Experiencing ; Expressive Arts Therapy; Dialectical Behavioral Therapy; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I believe in a collaborative process that allows me to work with the client(s) and support them in their exploration journey. I don’t believe in perfection, but a will to try is what counts!

Q&A with Asia

  • I can work with Georgia & Florida residents, and my rates are as follows: Intake Sessions are $200 for 60 minutes, Individual Therapy sessions are $185 for 53 minutes or $150 for 45 minutes. I also offer a free 15-minute consultation to help us determine if we’re a good fit before you commit. I accept insurance from Aetna and Cigna, so if you’re covered by one of these providers, therapy costs may be partially or fully covered by your plan. If you have a different insurance provider, I can provide you with a Superbill that you can submit for potential reimbursement.

    Good Faith Estimate

  • I focus specifically on helping BIPOC women and teens like you navigate the unique challenges that come with being a first or only in your family to achieve your goals, break generational cycles, or feel the weight of stereotypes and expectations. I bring a culturally competent perspective and use approaches that recognize and validate your experiences while helping you build confidence, set boundaries, and heal from past wounds that might be affecting your current life.

  • We’ll work together to identify where those feelings of anxiety and self-doubt come from—whether they’re tied to past experiences, societal pressures, or family expectations. Using practical tools like CBT and DBT, we’ll develop strategies to manage and reduce your anxiety, build your self-esteem, and help you feel more confident in your choices and your path.

  • You’re in control of what we talk about in therapy. We’ll go at your pace, and I’ll introduce different approaches—like narrative therapy, expressive arts, or even horticultural therapy—that can help you process your experiences in ways that feel comfortable and empowering for you. The goal is to find what works best for you.

  • While therapy can bring up difficult feelings, it’s also a space where you can start to release them, rather than carrying them alone. We’ll take it step-by-step, using approaches that prioritize your emotional safety and comfort. The goal isn’t to relive the pain but to help you process it in a way that allows you to move forward with more peace and clarity.

  • I recognize the unique pressures that come with being the first or only one to achieve certain milestones. We’ll talk about how this impacts your confidence, relationships, and self-perception. I use a mix of therapeutic approaches, like empowerment-based techniques and narrative therapy, to help you reframe your experiences, celebrate your achievements, and set boundaries that protect your mental and emotional well-being.

  • My approach is relational and integrative, which means I draw from a range of methods based on what you’re going through and what you respond to best. We might use talk therapy, mindfulness, somatic experiencing, creative expression, or even gardening (horticultural therapy) to help you connect with your feelings and build skills to navigate life’s challenges.

  • If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated with where you are in your life or relationships, it’s a good time to consider therapy. You don’t have to be in crisis to start; therapy can be a space to explore what’s going on, understand yourself better, and start making changes that feel right for you.

How Therapy at PORT Works

  • Relationship counseling in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina


    Use our online contact form and let us know which of our Therapists you would like to work with. We will promptly connect you to your preferred provider for your brief free phone consultation. We want to go the extra mile to make sure you feel comfortable from the start.

  • How therapy works at PORT Counseling Group

    Get to the Root

    Your therapy will likely start out with having sessions either weekly or biweekly. With your Therapist, you will get a better understanding of your presenting concerns and how they came about. Your therapist will also help you assess your level of coping and teach you additional strategies.

  • Do the Work

    The bulk of your experience will be in doing the work, both in & out of sessions. You will work through implementing techniques to improve your mood and engagement in relationships in session, while completing tasks assigned by your therapist to further your progress.

  • Have Better Relationships

    This is the point where you get to be #RelationshipGoals. You are having fewer therapy sessions and experiencing emotional healing from past relationship trauma. You are in a place where you are feeling more competent to handle whatever comes next.