Embracing the Pivot

Are you tired of chasing society’s elusive definition of success, only to find yourself feeling stuck and unfulfilled? It's time to break free from the relentless pursuit of happiness by someone else’s standards and start Embracing the Pivot.

So many of us have done “all the things” that society tells us to do be be successful and build the life we want, but aren’t seeing the results - and this is because we are not all intended to have the same life. Embracing the Pivot is an online group exclusively for women wanting a break from avoiding the thing that nags you every time you see someone’s celebratory social media post, or any family gathering where you will be drilled on what is coming next in your life.

Embracing the Pivot will set out to help you:

  • Cope with perceived feelings of failure

  • Accept the changes of life as they come

  • Work through the fear of change

  • Challenge unhelpful and limiting thinking patterns

  • Benefit from raw and candid conversations with others who can relate

  • Identify the barriers your goals & Plan Your Pivot!

For Women in Georgia, Florida & South Carolina

October 21st @ 1pm

Sign Up.

If you are a woman in Georgia or South Carolina, who is feeling like their current accomplishments are not enough and looking to better adjust to life as it comes, simply fill out this form to begin the process of Embracing the Pivot!

Why Join Embracing the Pivot?

About Your Group Therapist

Kathryn Cross, LAPC

I have had a passion for helping others since an early age. In high school, I was  part of a peer mediation program that allowed students to assist other students who have had disagreements with each other. After earning a Masters degree from Grand Canyon University, I began working with children with dual diagnosis in the foster care program. After that, I began working in private practice working with adults and couples. My passion is to continue assisting others to make necessary life changes that benefits them in the best way possible, change their outlook on life, and allow them to view themselves and the world with clearer lenses.

Overcoming Societal Pressures on Becoming a Mother