supPORT for Future Helpers (online Group)


Come join a group of grad school students who are wondering ‘What happens next?’. Whether you are thinking about going into the community, taking a gap year, pursuing private practice, or you have no idea at all- this is the place for you. This group will encourage peer supPORT, self-empowerment, and self- advocacy among a small group of grad students who are preparing for the next big step after graduation.

At times, we may get caught up with other people’s hopes and expectations, especially the hopes and expectations of people we look up to. At times, taking a different path than you planned or expected feels really scary. At times, it may still feel scary even when everything works out just the way you planned. If you are interested in navigating these experiences side by side with professional peers, who are outside your current network or support system, you have come to the right place.

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